A yellow leaf falls quietly to the ground
Nothing stirs, nothing frowns
Black holes yawn at drowsy cats
Another battle, another night
For hearts have stopped before
Muffled like drums on weeping nights
A thud somewhere, a low groan
Passed off as one of those unseen sounds of the night.
Trees have fallen before
Roots trenched firmly underground
Come gravedigger
Pull me out.
Here lies a bundle tightly curled
The softest wind will wake him, tread light
Black holes yawn at drowsy cats
Morning cowers from the blinding night
For hearts have stopped before
Muffled like drums on weeping nights
A thud somewhere, a low groan
Passed off as one of those unseen sounds of the night.
I watched as the minute hand moved
And then the hour
I watched as our faces glowed in the dark.
Let the sleeping lie
At least they breathe
At least they sigh
Petals form roses
I cannot get them right
My fingers slip off buttery window panes
The world condenses on our hour glass
I wake him with a whisper
And still he lies
Standing by a leaning wall
Eyes close all thought of him
For hearts have stopped before
Muffled like drums on weeping nights
A thud somewhere, a low groan
Passed off as one of those unseen sounds of the night.
We whizzed past dreams
And lowly sights
Wiping sleep from cloudy eyes
I cannot lose what I cannot hold
I cannot have a falling star
But hearts have stopped before
Muffled like drums on weeping nights
A thud somewhere, a low groan
Passed off as one of those unseen sounds of the night.