Saturday, 4 October 2014

The Artist

A light-headedness too light to be breached
A numbness too warm to be uncomfortable
A light too dim to usher in a desire to blink
A silence too deep to sight from the surface

A memory too stark to notice blurring edges
A night too close to consider a memory
A time relived too many times to deserve a remembrance
A thought too loud to need a voice to be heard

Subtlety is a fledgling of an art
Conceived to cover the most ingenious plots
An art performed by artists most ruthless
Skimming away on the dreams of the faint-hearted
Too frightened to finger the crevices of an after thought
Leaving the artist a freeway to another show, another mind

The brainchild of a devious mind
Yellow pepper in heartless ravines
Clinging to past glories
Assuring the comfort of childhood blankets
A familiarity too priceless to be bought

Eyes red with the fever of an unforgiving guilt
There remains a faint nostalgia
For the familiar, the forgotten,
The begetter, the begotten,
The forgiving and the forgiven.

Yours truly.

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